Ultraviolet Water Purifiers - Making Tap Water Safer For Drinking

Ultraviolet water purifiers are widely used by people who enjoy outdoor activities to purify lake or stream water for drinking. Ultraviolet water purifiers should be used at home also, it is an effective way to get rid of waterborne disease-causing microorganisms that might be in, yes, your tap water!

Even though most municipal water is treated with chlorine as a form of disinfectant at the water plant, bacteria, viruses and cysts may still be present in tap water. These microorganisms are in the water due to aging, cracked pipe and many other means. It is possible that cross connections, such as sewage lines crossing water lines, may increase the risk of water becoming contaminated. Scientists estimate that each year up to 7 million Americans become sick from contaminated tap water, especially among children, pregnant women, the elders and those with weak immune system. Many people have turned away from tap water for this reason, but unfortunately, many bottled water are not so safe for drinking either beside the cost measure.

If you are concerned about the bacteria, the parasites, the algae, and the fungus.... in your tap water, ultraviolet purification is an EPA approved technology to protect your family from waterborne disease-causing microorganisms. Ultraviolet (or UV) light has a wavelength shorter than visible light (such as daylight); it is destructive to the RNA and DNA of microorganisms. The ultraviolet water purifier unit I use has a UV bulb in the center of the cartridge, it puts out up to 80 millijoules (units of measure) of UV light - enough to destroy more than 99.99% of waterborne, disease-causing bacteria and viruses in drinking water.

Getting your water tested may give you a good idea of what type of contaminants might be in your water. You can also ask your water utility (the company that sends you your water bill) for a copy of their annual water quality report that shows what are or might be in your water supply. In general, whether your water source is from ground or from surface, there is some form of water pollution no matter where you live. Choosing a good water filter, preferably with an ultraviolet water purifier not only gives you the peace of mind, but it does a good job protecting you and your family from any unforeseen outbreak. Did you know that waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms which are directly transmitted when contaminant water is consumed? People may have symptoms such as fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, gas pain, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fever, muscle aches....

My family enjoys our ultraviolet water purifier, which has a dual technology cartridge that not only destroy 99.99% of waterborne microorganisms but also effectively filter out over 140 health effect contaminants that might be found in city tap water. Protect your health and the health of those you love, invest in a good quality water filtration device and you will never regret it. Just remember, up to 70% of our body weight is water, making sure it is clean and bacteria free is crucial to your health and well-being.

Stop throwing money away buying bottled water and save the earth, invest in a dual cartridge ultraviolet water purifier can save your health. This patented water purifier is voted "World's Best Source of Water" for a reason!


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