Organic Food vs. Genetic Engineering

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It is always helpful to step back and take a look at things from an objective perspective, especially when we are personally affected.

Creating and maintaining an organic lifestyle means that we in the "center" of this activity, every day. Among all the other things happening in our daily lives as mothers, we are also trying to new habits for our family in relation to the development of their health and wellbeing.

So I thought it would be helpful for all of us, myself included, to name just a stepback or two and check the basic questions and reasons why we are pursuing an organic lifestyle from the beginning.

What are organic foods?

Certified organic food is grown most often described as food and packaged without the use of chemicals, preservatives and additives. Foods that are either completely or at least 70% natural.

Another way to explain it, is from a bigger picture point of view:

"Organic food is produced by a system based on ecological balanceand humane care of plants, animals and people, the rural environment. "

An important reason for organic food, organic, and a lifestyle, believes that I have not read much about the past, is genetic engineering. The Sierra Club Web site says:

"Eating organic food is one way you can avoid the genetic engineering. All certified organic products and ingredients are produced free of genetic engineering"

What is genetic engineering?

In layman's I wanttranslate it for the inclusion of genes from one species of plant and injecting another plant with those genes for certain characteristics of strength. For example, if you have a corn plant, which was delicious and seemed to be resistant to pests is, would their "genes and injected into another plant of another variety, in the hope that the taste and / or insect resistance force on the other side.

It does not sound bad, but if you understand the "risks" with genetic engineering, which is associateddoes not sound so good.

Here is a more technical explanation of genetic engineering and the associated risks:

"In the genetic engineering technology, the genes are isolated and transferred to a" gene gun "or a viral vector from one species into another species, crossing the so-called" species barrier. "One example is the transmission of an insect-resistant gene from a soil bacterium (called Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt) into corn plants to confer insect resistance. This kindgene transfer never occurs in nature and can not be achieved through traditional plant breeding techniques. The new gene lands in any position in the genome of the recipient organism and can disrupt normal functioning of the organism in unpredictable ways. "

Risks of genetic engineering

Non-target insects, including those that are beneficial to farmers using genetically modified plants will be damaged.

Genetically modified micro-organisms in soil damaged, leading tomaimed or killed cultures.

Plants will be developed in order to insects or resistant to herbicide resistance in weeds and insect pests. That means more new chemicals or genetic engineering.

New allergens and toxins are the possible consequence of genetic modification food. Some are detected before marketing approval, while others are not.

Pollen from genetically modified plants can be a descent into the natural habitats and breed with wild relatives of crops.

The effects of thesegenetic pollution can not be predicted. Once genetically engineered organisms into the environment, they can not con-controlled release and they can not be retrieved. Genetic pollution is irreversible.

Thus we can conclude that organic food without the use or the need is grown by genetic engineering. And if organic farming can help us to avoid "genetic pollution", and it is better for our health and wellbeing, it not only makes good sense for everyone?

The Sierra Club article goes on toconcluded that:

"The industrial approach" to improve the nature and providing food free of natural systems and laws. Injurious consequences to be corrected and with new technologies, usually leading cause further problems. In contrast, the organic approach to understand these laws as much as possible and work with them. Organic farmers practice prevention, not correction. "

I think any reasonable consumer, without any financial interest in the mass production of geneticallymodified food would agree, if the food we eat and the environment we need, "Prevention is better than a pound of cure."

Organic farmers, like organic mothers who are caring for the preservation of life and the land for future generations. We all know whether we admit it or not, what the big corporations, the mass production of traditional crops are of interest to most

Thanks To : shopping for kitchenaid and Cookware Sets

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