Achieving a Smooth Buttercream-Frosted Cake

Creamy Icing

The easiest way to a smooth frosted cake is to start with creamy ice cream. To achieve smooth, creamy ice cream with the planetary-action mixer (KitchenAid) type, fill the bowl and give up on the paddle with icing. Mix on low speed until all air bubbles are removed. Do not overmix. If your mixer has standard drivers, mingle with the ice only come up to half of the bat.

If a cake is with mattCreamy icing, a well-frosted cake can usually by only a large, angled spatula held at a slight angle so that only one side to achieve the spatula, brushes the surface of the glaze. Smooth the first few pages then up. At the top, working from the outer edge to the middle. Use long, smooth contours, the spring from just behind the middle. Clear the spatula after each stroke. (More detailed instructions for installation of icing with a spatula are included in the application of the icingbelow.)

The application of the icing

Place a large amount of thinner icing on the top of the cake. Spread over the top, pressing edges do not touch securely on the cake with a spatula, and this will attract crumbs back into the glaze.

Cover the sides with powdered sugar, using the spatula upright (with the edge of the spatula parallel) to the sides of the cake, watch it again, not on the cake with a spatula to crumble again moves to touch the ice.Remove any excess icing, as you go back and place into a bowl. Once the icing is applied to the sides to go around the sides one last time, hold the spatula edge parallel to the cake and with as few strokes as possible, the surface be as smooth as possible. This will leave a ridge of ice on the top edge of the cake. Do not make over the ridge - you be the next step removed.

Smooth the top with the angled edge of the trowel (with the edge of the spatula, about 45Degrees). Wipe the edge of the spatula from the edge of the cake (where the ridge of icing is) to get to the center. Then lift the spatula and remove any excess icing. Rotate the cake slightly and repeat the process, starting with a new number on the back, to cover the entire top of the cake.

Well - Getting It Smooth

My favorite method - the method of paper towels

Certain brands of paper towels have very little structure and can be used to obtain a smooth icingSurface. At the beginning of icing spatula smooth above. Let the icing crust about 15 minutes. Test a small area by rubbing his fingers over a dry paper towel on the icing. If it does not fail, you can lay flat paper towel over the icing (too) and rub it with your fingers and palms, hold your hand as flat as possible. This will bubble and spatula marks, creates a smooth surface of icing.

Water smoothing method, this method can be done one of twoManner.

1) Frost the cake and presmooth as described above with a dry spatula. Dip a large spatula in hot water. Hold the trowel at a slight angle so that touches only one side of the surface of the glaze. Smooth the sides of the cake first, as previously described. Smooth the top of the cake from the outer edge of the cake towards the center. Use long, smooth contours, the spring from just behind the middle. Clear and Rewet the spatula after each stroke. Make sure overwet the icing. ColorIcing can strip if you take too much water.

2) Or use a spray bottle damp the icing then skim the spatula over the surface as previously described. Clear the spatula after each stroke. Make sure overwet the icing. Colored stripes icing, if you use too much water.

Tags : shopping for kitchenaid and Cookware Sets

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