Know the difference between cooking one domestic goose, and Wild Goose

Sometimes I am presented with a Christmas goose to cook. Normally it is plucked and oven ready. A goose can be plucked either dry or immersed in hot water until the water penetrates into the skin. I'd pick rather dry, because I do not care for the smell of wet feathers. Whatever it is done, so make sure that the feathers in the direction that they grow, not against drawn.

After harvesting the bird sing, by using a direct flame. Install the pin feathers with tweezers or the dullSide of a knife. Make sure that you remove all the entrails. Make sure the gallbladder, the liver is attached to pause. Remove the oil bag set from the tail, make sure to remove the lungs, cut the neck close to the body, wash thoroughly and the bird is ready to cook.

How it is cooked depends on what kind of goose. I cooked both domestic and wild geese. A domestic goose roast, stuff I put it with bread stuffing and the breast side up on a rack in a shallowFrying pan. I pour 2 cups boiling water over the goose and cover it. I prick the legs and wings with a fork so the fat will be phased out. I roast the goose at 325 degrees about 25 minutes per pound. I discover it in the last 15 minutes it turns brown.

To roast a wild goose, cleaning the same as a bird. I rub the inside of the bird with salt and fill it loosely with pieces of apple, carrots and onions. I put it breast side up on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. I rub it with oil or basketStrips of bacon over the bird. I fry, 350-degrees about 15 to 20 minutes per pound. I baste it often with the pan juices. If it had done, discard the stuffing and serve.

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