Air Purifier Scams - We're Blowing the Whistle Part 2

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We will see, call the development of home air cleaners, as some do. And I would also mention that the concept of air cleaner has been misused. Many claim to sell the best air purifier, if they are essentially the only air filter. So we will run it.

An air filter is a device from the air by creating filter, made of different materials to capture particles in the air. There are a number of these sales today as an air cleaner. But it differently now,sophisticated filters such as charcoal, activated carbon or HEPA. This new filter has better absorption of particles and some chemicals, but they are still filters you have to replace regularly. Well, how much of the air in your home, do you think can circulate through the unit? The fan of a central air conditioner, which is very powerful it can, only about 20% to 40% of the air circulating in your home. What about the rest of the stagnant air in your house? Keep that inMind.

Then we have the electric air filter or electrostatic filter, which I call the first Generation ionizer. This device uses negative ions, the particles in the air, pull a little further down. This idea developed and now uses the positive ions to particles in the air to attract the negative impact plates in unity, so also collects small dust particles without the use of filters. Is this an air cleaner? I do not have to wait the plates continuously, for if thePlates are covered with particles, they no longer catch the particles, they go through easily. And again, how much air circulates through is actually?

Along came the ozone generators that use ozone to clean the air. They tried to duplicate what nature does outside, but what nature, is a three step process, not just one. Ozone is not bad, it is of course created for a specific purpose, but as they say "not too much of the good is good". One thing about ozone generators, is that theypretty much the whole area they are air cleaners logged in? Not quite.

Now comes what I call UV technology. The start of the air cleaner started it, if NASA is to chemical pollutants from the Space Shuttle during mission trips to remove it necessary. The solution of photo-catalytic oxidation, a process in which ultraviolet light causes a reaction on titanium dioxide, this could mean that oxidant dissolved pollutants and turn them into water vapor. What developed in thePhotohydroionization called a process similar to photo-catalytic oxidation, but this time the UV light causes a reaction on different metals that different oxidizing agents that generate pollutants back into their original form of oxygen or hydrogen.

But also what is now known as Radiant Catalytic Ionization developed. This process will produce a UV-light and a rare metal hydrophilic coating hydroxyls (combined water and oxygen particles) to scrub the plasma acts as a cleansing of theAir. Also duplicates ionization (electrically charged particles generated in a thunderstorm) and oxygenation (oxygen saturation to clean the air, impurities), which occur in nature and uses them to clean your indoor air. This technology has the three-step process to clean air, away ionization (particles from your breathing space), oxygen (removes odors) and irradiation (kills germs and bacteria). The purification of plasma traveling all over the house and get into every nook andCrevice he can find, kill germs, bacteria and viruses are on any surface you full coverage. Finally, we have an air cleaner.

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